Commercial Cleaning Product Sales and Janitorial Supply in Lewiston, Maine

Jackie’s Cleaning & Maintenance also sells cleaning products, supplies, and other appliances to businesses in our service areas. Our service is a great way to keep your janitorial supplies and commercial cleaning products stocked and ready, so there’s never any downtime in your cleaning schedule due to lack of materials. For ordering information and pricing contact us.
- Trashbags
- Toilet Seat Covers
- Urinal Blocks
- Special Brands and Sized Products
- Deodorizers
- Comet
- Soap Dispensers
- Tampons/Pads
- Hand Soap
- Facial Tissues
- Murphy’s Oil Soap
- Floor Cleaner
- Soft Scrub
- Paper Towel Dispensers
- Sanitary Bags
- Multi-fold Towels
- Dilution Systems Cleaning Products
- Glass Cleaner
- Toilet Paper Dispensers
- Gloves
- Hard Wound Roll Towels
- Stripper
- Wax
- Bathroom/Disinfectant Cleaner